quinta-feira, janeiro 10, 2008


ho parlato una cosa ieri, e oggi questa cosa è avvenuta. haha, previsibile. ma non può dirti niente, amore mio. perchè non ho parole per dirti qualcosa, e perchè non è stata l'ora certa.



Blogger lisa declarou...

"THE EX FILES: ONE person not bursting with joy at the news Nicolas Sarkozy is on the verge of marrying model Carla Bruni is the French president's ex-wife, Cécilia, who has been busy slating his leadership style. "He is not a dignified man. He needs to surround himself with pretty young things dressed in Dior," she reportedly told French journalist Anna Bitton."

[ http://www.vogue.co.uk/vogue_daily/story/story.asp?stid=49785 ]

quinta-feira, 10 janeiro, 2008  

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