segunda-feira, novembro 16, 2009


os dois primeiros parágrafos da coluna do Jeremy Clarkson no Times de ontem entraram para a história:

Sometimes, I wonder how the human race has risen to the top of the evolutionary pile when almost every single decision we ever make is bonkers. You do not see blackbirds smoking cigarettes or beavers riding motorcycles. You don’t see pigeons ignoring non-organic seeds or bison at the shops buying something they know they can’t afford. You do, of course, see elephants on unicycles, but only because we think it is funny.

Let’s look at the simple decisions I’ve made today. First of all, I hit the snooze button on the alarm clock even though I knew full well that I had to get up and go to work or I wouldn’t be finished till midnight. Then I went downstairs and had a cup of coffee, which I know will make my teeth all brown. And then I read The Guardian, which always makes me angry.

parei minha leitura para colocar isso aqui, de tão bom que é. agora deixa eu continuar...
