You see this guy,
This guy's in love with you
Yes I'm in love,
I love you the way I do
When you smile I can tell
We know each other very well,
How can I show you?
I plan, I got to know you 'cause
I heard some talk,
They say you think I'm fine
Yes, I'm in love,
And what I do to make you mine
Tell me now, is it so,
Don't let me be the last to know
My hands are shaking,
Don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, in love, with this guy
If not I'll just die
Tell me now, is it so,
Don't let me be the last to know,
My hands are shaking,
Don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, in love, with this guy
If not I'll just die
essa é a letra de "This guy's in love with you". acho que já disse isso, mas não custa lembrar: procurem a versão dessa música onde o Noel Gallagher a canta, numa apresentação do Burt Bacharach em 1996. no Soulseek e em todos os outros programas de transferência de arquivo, ela quase sempre aparece como sendo do Oasis - mesmo a banda nunca a tendo gravado. sendo assim, procurem como se fosse Oasis... e se apaixonem.
This guy's in love with you
Yes I'm in love,
I love you the way I do
When you smile I can tell
We know each other very well,
How can I show you?
I plan, I got to know you 'cause
I heard some talk,
They say you think I'm fine
Yes, I'm in love,
And what I do to make you mine
Tell me now, is it so,
Don't let me be the last to know
My hands are shaking,
Don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, in love, with this guy
If not I'll just die
Tell me now, is it so,
Don't let me be the last to know,
My hands are shaking,
Don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, in love, with this guy
If not I'll just die
essa é a letra de "This guy's in love with you". acho que já disse isso, mas não custa lembrar: procurem a versão dessa música onde o Noel Gallagher a canta, numa apresentação do Burt Bacharach em 1996. no Soulseek e em todos os outros programas de transferência de arquivo, ela quase sempre aparece como sendo do Oasis - mesmo a banda nunca a tendo gravado. sendo assim, procurem como se fosse Oasis... e se apaixonem.
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