sábado, janeiro 31, 2009

coisas que eu nunca te disse #43

do you believe that there's someone up above?
and does he have a timetable directing acts of love?

why did I write this song on that one day?
why did you touched my hand and softly said,
"stop asking questions that don't matter anyway,
just give us a kiss to celebrate here, today
something changed"

and when we woke up that morning
we've had no way of knowing
that in a matter of hours we'd change
the way we were going (...)

(Pulp, "Something changed", 1995. porque se o chefe vai falar do Pulp na segunda-feira é melhor lembrar da mais bonita música de amor que eu conheço)



Blogger carolita declarou...

Acabo de baixar o Different Class: mais um disco a entrar no Smash Hits. Tinha me esquecido do quanto gosto de Pulp.

domingo, 01 fevereiro, 2009  

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