sábado, junho 10, 2006

manual do prego
hoje de manhã, no Soulseek, com um cara que tem "George W. Bush" na hatelist e uma vez colocou três discos meus para baixar - meu limite, explícito nas minhas informações, é de um por vez:

(6:12) [lusdertussen] why banned me??
(7:06) [lusdertussen] hello?
(7:32) [palandi] hi, I banned you because once you tried to download three albums in a row, when the limit is one album per time, unless you give me a good reason to let you download more
(7:32) [palandi] just give me a good reason and i'll unban you, ok? :)
(7:39) [lusdertussen] one good reason...? that i will unban you... ;-)
(7:40) [palandi] that's a bad reason, I'm not interested on your files. bye
(7:40) [palandi] and oh, I like Dubya. Iraq and Afghanistan are becoming free nations because of him
(7:47) [lusdertussen] haha
(7:47) [lusdertussen] funny man